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More Miracles 

One young girl sixteen years old, who had never walked, was healed and walked back and forth on the stage completely cured… A Catholic boy who was deaf and dumb was healed.  He could hear people in the audience who would speak to him and could answer back to them.

A man who was paralyzed was taken to the stage in his wheelchair.  After anointing and prayer by Sister McPherson he said he was greatly helped. In this case the cure was not instantaneous.  His family reported the next day that as they were wheeling him home he said he felt so much better he believed he could walk. He got to his feet and in a few moments he was walking along with his family, pushing his own chair.

Another man was taken to the stage suffering intensely with a severe rupture.  He was instantaneously cured and took off his truss.  He was so overcome that he leaped and shouted on stage for fifteen or twenty minutes before he could control himself, so overcome with joy.

Excerpts from ‘This is That’ by Aimee Semple McPherson, page 215.

Infant Paralysis Healed

Page 211 – Next is a little child – a pretty, winsome little girl, four years of age. She is sitting upon her mother’s knee. “What is the trouble, dear?” we gently ask. The mother’s face is bathed in tears – an agony of prayer shakes her frame. “O, it’s this arm and leg! – infantile paralysis left this limb so weak that she drags it and has not proper use of it. But Jesus will heal her! I know He will – right now!”

The child is anointed, we kneel in prayer, and lay our hands upon those weakened limbs. Supposing this was our little girl! “O Jesus, come and heal!” – the Spirit gives witness – springing up we bid the mother set the child upon the floor.

No hesitancy here! The child is walking to and fro across the stage, clinging to her mother’s hand. Walking, did I say? No, dancing, skipping. Mother is too slow. She looses her hand, and unassisted, runs ahead, bounding, skipping like a playful little lamb; stopping ever and anon to gaze with wide-eyed childish wonder and delight upon the limb now made whole, like unto the other one.

The mother stands like a statue for a moment; then lifts both hands and eyes to Heaven, too full for words. Someone steadies her as she stands swaying, as though about to faint, completely overcome. But joy never kills; and in a moment she is watching again as the little tot dances to the music, then stops and looks at her foot; runs and stops again to lift up the foot and inspect it all over again. Running to the music director, clinging to his fingers, she is dancing up and down to the ringing chorus of “A little talk with Jesus makes it right, all right.”

Excerpt from the book ‘This is That’ by Aimee Semple McPherson.

Curved Spine Straightened

Page 209 – A young woman suffering with curvature of the spine is brought to the platform, accompanied by her mother. We anoint her with oil, and pray for her in the name of Jesus Christ. Like a flash from heaven we have a witness that the work is done, and confidently lift her to her feet.

“Where is this curvature in your spine, dear?” we ask gently. “Right there,” she answers, pointing to the spot. We lay our hands upon the spot, but can locate no curvature. It seems to be perfectly straight.

“Where is it now, dear? Put your own hand back and see if you can locate it.” Both mother and daughter search in vain for a moment, endeavoring to locate the curvature. They cannot find it. It is gone. They look blankly into one another’s faces for a moment – then with a wild cry of delight, the arms of the mother are about the daughter, the daughter’s arms about the mother. Their tears are mingling together. Now they are both standing at the front of the stage. The music has stopped. They are testifying, laughing, rejoicing over the work that has been done. How that throng rejoices with them, as they praise the Lord together.

Excerpt from the book ‘This is That’ by Aimee Semple McPherson.

Sight Restored

Page 205 – “Many of you know me, Gibbons is my name. I am employed in the Ideal Cafeteria, in this city.

For eleven years I have had a cataract on this eye, shutting out the sight. I came to these meetings, gave my heart to God, was prayed for and believed the Lord to remove the cataract. Look at me now! Both eyes are clear, and well as ever. I can read fine print and see perfectly with what was my poor eye. The cataract has completely disappeared, melted like snow before the sun.”

Excerpt from the book ‘This is That’ by Aimee Semple McPherson.

Paralysis Healed

Page 205 – “I, too, must praise the Lord for salvation and healing. For four and a half years I had suffered with paralysis from the waist down.” A heavy-set man in a quiet business suit is speaking now. “I walked with difficulty, leaning upon two canes. I heard of these meetings; and that Jesus was the same yesterday, today and forever. I came, sought Him as my Savior and promised to give Him the balance of my days.

“He saved me, washed away my sins, and after three hours waiting in line I was prayed for. I felt the power of God go through my body. New blood and life seemed to circulate through my limbs. I threw aside my canes. Without them I walked, and walked, and, finally ran upon the stage and in the street after I had left the meeting. Jesus had healed even me!”

Excerpt from the book ‘This is That’ by Aimee Semple McPherson.

“My pain is gone”

Page 204 – “O how I praise Jesus, for what He has done for me,” rings a clear voice. “Last Thursday I came to this auditorium sick and sinful. For some years I had been suffering with spinal trouble and hip disease. Finally, tuberculosis of the bone set in, destroying the hip socket. O what pain and misery I suffered! But Jesus came and put his arms about me. I kneeled at the altar, and gave Him my heart. He washed my sins away. Then, in answer to prayer, and the laying on of hands, He healed me. My pain is gone, my crutches are gone, my sins and burdens are gone. I am happy, O so happy!

Excerpt from the book ‘This is That’ by Aimee Semple McPherson.

Crippled Woman Walks

Page 200-201 – “As God healed when He was on earth, so will He heal now that He is gone,” the leader told the afflicted. “God loves to do things now that He did when He was on the earth. Have faith in Him. It is He alone who will cure you. God is with us tonight and we pray that He will help those gathered about here.”

In the arms of several friends, Stella Blanchard, of the Stratford Hotel, was brought to the altar. For eight years she had not stood on her feet. Mrs. McPherson stood over her at the altar, prayed and anointed her with oil.

“Oh God, heal this afflicted woman,” she prayed. “You can make her whole and you will. We have faith that you will heal this woman.” And for more than ten minutes they both prayed. Suddenly Mrs. McPherson stopped her praying. Her silence brought a stop to all other praying and singing in the church.

“In the name of Jesus Christ, I command you to walk. You are healed,” she called out. The woman rose to her feet. She steadied herself and began walking, slowly at first; then, step by step her strength was regained. It was the first time she had walked in eight years, in fact the first time she had stood on her feet alone…The woman continued and circled the church several times…When she left she walked to the street cars.

Excerpt from the book ‘This is That’ by Aimee Semple McPherson.

Paralyzed Woman, Blind Man

Page 199 – Came another woman whose entire left side was paralyzed. She had little use of either her hand or leg. She was anointed and prayed for and, “In the name of Jesus,” she was told to use her limb freely. The woman, hesitatingly at first, began to walk. Then she hurried and then she danced.

“Praise the Lord, praise the Lord!” she cried out and for more than two minutes she danced and waved her hands in the air. The woman, 67 years old, had been paralyzed for more than 15 years.

An interesting feature of the services occurred when a blind man, with one eye gone and the other covered with a cataract, his sight lost entirely, was prayed over, and in a few minutes declared he could distinguish the white garments of the leader. He then looked about the room, counted the windows on the wall, and took great delight in admiring the stained windows of the church. “Thank God, I am well. I can see,” he called out when sight was first restored.

Excerpt from the book ‘This is That’ by Aimee Semple McPherson.

Boy Walks Without Aid

Page 198-199 – There was another woman who entered the church, deaf. She approached the altar and prayed to God. While Mrs. McPherson was kneeling and praying over her she suddenly heard. This woman told her story of being instantaneously cured of deafness. It was the first time in twelve years that she had been able to hear anything lower than a shout. Now she could even hear whispering.

It was after the healing service was in progress for more than 15 minutes that a woman cried out: “My God! Look at my son! He walks, his limp is almost gone. I thank God!” The woman began crying, and gathered her son in her arms and nearly smothered him with kisses. She put him down and the boy started out into the aisle. He hesitated at first, then walked a little faster and gradually began to run.

“Look, mother, look,” he cried out, “see how I can run…and it doesn’t hurt me either.” Paralyzed many years, he so dragged himself, that at every step he took, one foot would hit the knee of the other. It was so much of a strain to walk that his body always surged backward. But he walked yesterday, his body erect, without exertion on his part.

Excerpt from the book ‘This is That’ by Aimee Semple McPherson.

Invalid Since Birth

Page 198 – Twelve hundred heads were bowed in prayer in the McKendree Methodist Episcopal Church yesterday afternoon. At the altar among scores of others, kneeled Miss Emily Kruger, an invalid since birth. The entire gathering united in praying to God to heal this woman. Suddenly a hush swept over the church. Praying stopped. Mrs. McPherson was looking upward. The invalid hopefully, with outstretched arms, was watching her. And then – “In the name of the Lord Jesus Christ, you shall walk. Rise, and you shall be healed.”

The woman, hesitatingly, rose from her knees; she cast a swift glance about, as if bewildered and in a trance. She looked forward, then started out. One step, -two-three-four, then on and on to the end of the aisle. She turned and continued walking–up the aisle once, back up again, back again and on and on until she, unassisted, had paced the narrow aisle, six times…The woman for the first time in her life had strength to walk unaided.

Excerpt from the book ‘This is That’ by Aimee Semple McPherson.